Re.Creators - world Étude

Akame Ga Kill

Anime: Re:Creators
Theme: Season 1 | Ending 2
Title: world Étude
Artist: Altair (CV: Toyosaki Aki)

Re:Creators - world Étude

Anime Lyrics
(Romaji Version)

Tsuki akari ga
Sekai o terashite
Miminari wa nariyamanai mama
Kotoba mo shirazuni
Oto o kanaderu dake de
Isso Keshite shimatte ii to omoeta no?
Ochiru Eden
Yume mita mono wa kuusou de
Tsumuida oto mo moroku kuzuresatta
Kareta koe de
Sakende mite mo kotaenai
Kureru sekai ni
Dareka no omokage o
Sagashite iru no
I'm here with my damaged ideals and never turn around the sky begins to fall apart into fragments
As I close my eyes and try to find the place in my dreams

Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

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